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 Sora Preschool of Palo Alto 2011~2020 

Our Bilingual Philosophy

We live in a world with countless languages and cultures, which coexist and interact with each other constantly. Our goal is to bring the diversity of the world into our classroom. We employ English speaking teachers and Japanese speaking teachers to interact with the students in the same classroom. The students familiarize themselves with both languages, and learn to distinguish their use by who they are speaking to, not time or place. Students who are fluent in English pick up Japanese through communication with the English-speaking teachers, while the students fluent in Japanese pick up English through the Japanese-speaking teachers. The students comfortable in both languages can act as a bridge between their peers. We believe that true bilingualism comes from the mastery of both languages and an understanding of their cultural backgrounds, which we provide a secure and comfortable environment to do so. 

Our Well-Balanced Curriculum

At our school, we conduct a variety of educational methods in our carefully balanced curriculum. Following the teachings of figures including Montessori, Froebel, and Reggio, we have developed a unique teaching method that creates an ideal environment for the growth of our students. To uphold our three pillars of comprehensive wellness; composed mind, knowledge and skill, and good health, we accentuate our set routine. In order to provide the students a well-balanced curriculum, we offer them sufficient music/art activities and playtime. We also carefully select seasonal events and activities from America and Japanese cultures, so the students have the opportunity to inspire their wide interests to the world. 

Well-balanced school life brings composure to the mind and a sense of security among the students. Anticipation, security, and confidence are essential for the students to actively think and participate. This positive behavior will ignite enthusiasm and motivation of the students, which encourages them to develop interests and specialities. We believe that the balanced curriculum at our school nurtures the students with "self-motivated aspiration" and "fortitude". 











​中内 玲子

Reiko Nakauchi


Reiko Nakauchi, the founder of Sora International Preschool, obtained her Preschool Teacher license and Nursery Teacher credentials in Japan, specializing in Froebel theory. Reiko also obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Music, and a license from the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). She worked as a head teacher at a Montessori preschool in Palo Alto and she has more than ten years of experience in teaching piano and choir. Reiko established Sora International Preschool with its curriculum based on various educational methods, not limited to Montessori and Froebel, and her new perspective on early childhood education. Reiko is fluent in Chinese, Japanese, and English, and that motivates herself to provide the children with a fun, yet effective bilingual educational environment. Reiko's endeavors will continue, with the spreading of her method worldwide through establishing more Sora International Preschools in many areas and countries. 

Sora International Preschoolの創立者である中内玲子は、日本で幼稚園教論と保育士の免許を取得し、フレーベル理論を専門的に学びました。米国ではモンテッソーリ教育の国際免許(AMI)と音楽の学士を取得。パロアルトのモンテッソーリ幼稚園では主任を努めるとともに、10年以上に渡り、ピアノと合唱を指導しています。Sora International Preschool創立後はモンテッソーリやフレーベルのみならず、多様に優れた教育理論を幅広く取り入れ、さらに新しい視点を加えてデザインしたユニークな指導法で、子どもたちの可能性を高めています。また、自身が三カ国語(中国語、日本語、英語)を話すことから、日本語と英語を同時に、楽しく、効果的に習得できるバイリンガル教育の環境を整えています。今後は、これまでに築いたメソッドを多くの子どもたちに届けるために、Sora International Preschoolをより多くの地域や国々で展開する予定です。

Sora International Preschool的创始人中内玲子在日本取得了幼儿园和托儿所的教学许可,并专门学习了福禄贝尔理论。在美国取得了蒙台梭利教育的国际执照(AMI)和音乐学士学位。在帕洛阿尔托的蒙特利尔幼儿园担任主任的同时,还指导了10多年的钢琴和合唱。自Sora International Preschool创立以来,不仅仅是采用了蒙台梭利和福禄贝尔,还广泛采用了各种各样优秀的教育理论,再加上新的视角设计的独特的指导法,提高了开发孩子们的潜能。此外,由于她本人会说三种语言(中文,日文,英文),所以她创造了一个双语教育环境,是以一种有趣且有效的方式学习日语和英语。今后,为了将至今为止建立的方法传递给更多的孩子们,Sora International Preschool将计划扩展到更多地区和国家。


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Sora International Preschool of Daly City

California License # 414004851 / Tel: 650-756-1926 / Address: 58 Hill St, Daly City California USA 94014

Sora International Preschool of San Carlos

California License # 414003061 / Tel: 650-593-7672 / Address: 356 El Camino Real, San Carlos California USA 94070

Sora International Preschool of Campbell

California License # 434415958 / Tel: 408-628-4455 / Address: 771 Waldo Rd, Campbell California USA 95008

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